
Legislative Session Report Week 2






  • Quiet Week Under the Gold Dome
  • 加入t Appropriations Committee Meets
  • 乔治亚州农场局 Establishes Impact Fund
  • Last Chance to Register for GFB Day at the Capitol!
  • Register for the 2022 Georgia Ag Forecast
  • Bills That Remain Eligible in 2022
  • Not a Member of 乔治亚州农场局? 加入今天!
  • 值得纪念的日子



The Georgia General Assembly did not use any of its 40 legislative days this week as the 加入t Appropriations Committee met to discuss the AFY22 和 FY23 预算. 虽然许多立法者出席了国会大厦的听证会, there was a considerable number who attended virtually. 为期一周的预算听证会持续到周四,议员们将于周一返回, January 24th for legislative day 5. 

乔治亚州农场局 (GFB) staff will continue to monitor the proposed budget while advocating for initiatives 和 programs important to agriculture. We expect to see legislative work pick up next week as committees begin to meet regularly 和 work on specific legislation. GFB将在为期40天的立法会议期间每天出席以进行监督, 保护, 倡导和报告影响我们成员和格鲁吉亚农业的问题.

加入t Appropriations Committee Chairmen Sen. 布莱克Tillery (left) 和 Rep. 特里·英格兰(右)在本周的预算听证会上听取证词. (Photo Credit: Georgia House Photo)

加入t Appropriations Committee Chairmen Sen. 布莱克Tillery (left) 和 Rep. 特里·英格兰(右)在本周的预算听证会上听取证词. (Photo Credit: Georgia House Photo)



本周,联合拨款委员会,由众议员. 特里·英格兰和森. 布莱克Tillery, 通过听取各机构负责人的证词,启动了确定22财年和23财年预算的程序. With state revenues seeing a more than 18.1% increase in during the first half of FY22, the budget is expected to contain multiple funding increases 和 even a tax return to every Georgian totaling $1.60亿年. 请参阅上周的立法报告,了解州长提议的重点内容 AFY22 和 FY23 预算.  

委员会还听取了布朗博士对我国经济现状的报告. Jeffrey Dorfman, Georgia’s state fiscal economist. He presented his predictions for the months 和 years to come with a minor economic slowdown being likely as we enter FY23 和 a more normal rate of growth in the years following. Dr. Dorfman discussed the labor market challenges we have seen during the COVID-19 p和emic as many jobs are still unfilled 和 turnover rates remain high. When questioned by committee members about the increase in food prices accompanied by a decrease in the price paid to the farmer, Dr. 多尔夫曼提出了农民投入成本全面增加的问题, 处理器, 以及零售业. 

乔治亚州农业部专员加里·布莱克向委员会作了介绍, 介绍过去几年律政司的最新进展和挑战, 包括由于提供有竞争力的薪水而留住员工. 该州已经远离飓风“迈克尔”三年了, Commissioner Black recounted the success of the Hurricane Michael Block Grant program 和 thanked them for their work to secure that funding for our state’s 农民 who were impacted by the storm. He also discussed the desire for the Department to retain the profits from the state’s 农民 markets in order to run them like a business rather than receiving annual appropriations for operation of the markets. The Commissioner credited the legislators’ work last year assisting with the markets through the establishment of the Georgia Agricultural Trust Fund, 这使得GATE卡的收入可以用于市场的运营——总计约1亿美元.800万年.

下个星期, budget hearings will continue 和 subcommittees will dive deeper into requests for the AFY22 和 FY23 预算. During subcommittee hearings, specific asks will be made by agencies as to what changes they would like to see concerning their 预算. GFB will continue to track the budget process 和 advocate for the priorities of our members 和 Georgia agriculture.




12月7日, 2021, 经过近两年的认真评估和考虑, voting delegates at the 2021 乔治亚州农场局 (GFB) Annual Meeting unanimously endorsed the creation of the GFB影响基金, a political action committee (PAC), to advocate on behalf of agriculture, 农民, 和 our rural communities. 接下来的一周, the GFB Board of Directors unanimously voted to put it into action 和 simultaneously authorized the GFB Mutual 十大靠谱网赌官方平台 Company to match every dollar contributed to the GFB国家影响基金 by February 28, 2022年——最高500美元,000!

With election season on the horizon, 至关重要的是,我们要努力使我们的政治行动委员会尽快启动并运行. 对GFB国家影响基金的支持可以来自县农业局, GFB成员, 当地农场企业, 和 others who share our mission. This additional tool will allow us to support the c和idacies 和 elections of qualified individuals to public office who have demonstrated a commitment to furthering 和 strengthening the agricultural industry, regardless of political affiliation. 在您的支持下, 我们可以确保你的声音在餐桌上有一席之地,为下一代保护农业.

Each contribution to the GFB国家影响基金 is voluntary 和 will support c和idates who support agriculture 和 乔治亚州农场局 values. To learn more about the GFB影响基金, please contact 凯蒂·杜瓦尔.

若要向GFB国家影响基金捐款,请将支票和 这种形式 to:


*所有供款均属自愿性质,不可扣税. 每份供款必须附有供款表格以获接纳.



2022年佐治亚州农业预测将于1月28日在蒂夫顿会议中心举行, 2022 beginning at 8:30 a.m. This annual seminar shares the latest research 和 information from UGA faculty to support Georgia’s No. 1行业. 报名现已开放 for both in-person 和 virtual attendance.  

As the state’s l和-grant 和 flagship institution, the University of Georgia 和 the College of Agricultural 和 Environmental Sciences is committed to sharing the latest economic projections for agriculture, 无论是本地还是外地. Dr. 农业与应用经济学教授杰弗里·多夫曼(Jeffrey Dorfman)是今年的主题演讲者. 

Breakout sessions include:

  • 畜禽 
  • 园艺 
  • 行作物
  • 木材和土地税

The 2022 Georgia Ag Forecast is made possible by: Farm Credit Associations of Georgia, Georgia Department of Agriculture佐治亚州种植乔治亚州农场局 和 Georgia Agribusiness Council



To find more on a specific bill, visit the Georgia General Assembly website 和 use the "Search Legislation" tool at the top right.


HB 44:
代表. Cantrell, Greene, Barr, Werkheiser, Gambill和Williams
该法案要求乔治亚州全年实行日光节约时间. This will only become effective if Congress authorizes states to observe daylight savings time year-round.
House Passed/Adopted on 3/5/2021. Assigned to Senate Rules Committee on 1/10/2022.


HB 139:
代表. Mainor, Dukes, McClain, Mallow, 和 Thomas
This bill would prohibit trains from blocking any traffic crossing for longer than 15 minutes (with exceptions for safety reasons), 并且还要求在十字路口的标志上提供电话号码,以报告此类情况.


HB 482:
代表. 林和霍尔科姆
This bill would provide a preferential tax rate program that seeks to promote urban agriculture as well as provide for urban agricultural incentive zones that would be located in areas with a 15% or greater poverty rate. 该计划包括对进入合同的财产的限制,例如至少为 .10英亩但不超过5英亩,首期不少于5年. This bill is the enabling legislation for HR 164 that would put this change on the ballot in 2022 as a constitutional amendment.
Assigned to House Ways 和 Means Committee on 2/17/2021.


HB 496:
代表. Burchett, Burns, Rhodes, Ridley, 和 Williams
This bill seeks to create a $1,000 Annual Forest Product Permit, issuable by the Department of Transportation, 允许车辆运输木材的总重量不超过95,000, 可达10英尺宽, 和 no more than 100 feet long.
Assigned to House Transportation Committee on 2/18/2021.


HB 500:
代表. Burchett, Blackmon, Dickey, Rhodes, 和 Watson
The Georgia Agribusiness 和 Rural Jobs Act, 成立于2017年, 为农村企业提供非传统贷款系统,以鼓励经济增长和就业. 这项立法将提供第二轮资金, in the amount of $100 million, 来补充程序.


HB 504:
代表. Williamson, Reeves, Burns, Knight, Blackmon, 和 Lott
类似于HB 500, this legislation provides a second round of funding for the Georgia Agribusiness 和 Rural Jobs Act in the amount of $100 million. 然而, the bill goes on to create a new NAICS code 和 tax program for medical equipment 和 supplies manufacturers. 另外, this bill goes on to address other tax credit programs dealing with high-impact aerospace defense projects, 乔治亚州的港口, 和铁路.


HB 608:
代表. Wiedower, Burns, Smyre, Parsons, 和 Kelley
在努力加强宽带扩展到没有服务的地区, this legislation authorizes the use of OneGeorgia funds to award contracts to qualified providers under the Georgia Broadb和 Deployment Initiative.


HR 164:
代表. 林和霍尔科姆
如果HB 482通过,HR 164将允许宪法修正案在2022年进行投票. See above for additional information on HB 482.
Assigned to House Ways 和 Means Committee on 2/17/2021.


SB 30:
Sens. 比奇和哈比森
Senate Bill 30 would provide for pari-mutuel horse racing in the state at a limited number of licensed equestrian centers, create the Georgia Horse Racing Commission, 并对赛马及相关活动作出全面规管.


SB 65:
Sens. Gooch, Miller, Cowsert, Tillery, Harper, 和 Hatchett
继续努力扩大农村和无服务社区的宽带接入, this legislation allows the Public Service Commission 和 Department of Community Affairs to utilize a portion of the Universal Access Fund for such services.


SB 118:
Sens. Harper, Burke, Tillery, Goodman, Anderson, 和 Kennedy
SB 118将使6轴木材运输车的卡车重量增加到100,000磅.



乔治亚州农场局联合会有近250名成员,000,是该州最大的综合农场组织.  我们的目标是为农业部门提供领导和援助, 推广农产品, to aid in ag-related procurement, 在立法舞台上成为农民的代言人, 成为农业市场发展和拓展的领导者, 并争取更多的农业研究和教育资金和设施.

With members in all 159 Georgia counties, 乔治亚州农场局致力于促进和改善我们县的农业, state 和 nation 和 in continually improving 和 exp和ing our service-to-member programs which serve to enhance the quality of life for all Georgians.

十大靠谱网赌官方平台 in 乔治亚州农场局 is open to everyone. 加入农业局,你不需要是农民,也不需要有十大靠谱网赌官方平台!

如果你想成为佐治亚州农场局的一员, you can start your membership online right now! 我们有一个简单的申请程序,你可以在几分钟内成为我们的新十大靠谱网赌官方平台. Click the button below or use our 县办事处定位 to find the office nearest you.




  • February 1: Equine Youth Day at the Capitol
  • 2月1日:佐治亚州农业综合企业理事会年会在亚特兰大举行
  • 2月2日:乔治亚州农业综合企业委员会立法早餐会
  • February 2: GFB Presidents' Conference, Augusta
  • February 8: GFB Day at the Capitol
  • 2月9日:乔治亚州青年农民协会日
  • 2月16日至18日:第60届乔治亚州牧民协会年会在萨凡纳举行
  • February 22: Georgia FFA Day at the Capitol
  • 3月1日和3日:GFB商品咨询委员会春季会议,梅肯

注册“立法提醒”,通过电子邮件接收这些信息. Legislative Alerts go out every Friday during session 和 occasionally for special alerts when necessary.


公共政策 Department Staff

雷诺Churchwell, Agricultural Programs Manager
凯蒂·杜瓦尔, 宣传 和 Policy Development Coordinator
杰克马修斯, Governmental Affairs Specialist
杰里米·泰勒, Agricultural Programs Specialist